Top quality supplements, the very best we can find. Our focus is on quality, not price . . . we could buy these for much less, but we will not compromise on quality. All supplements in this section are from LifePowders and are manufactured in Ireland, Europe (except TMG which comes from Germany).

We've been following David Sinclair's book and podcasts, and we try to replicate his supplementation regime. David says he takes a prescription diabetes drug (short name metf). Unfortunately, you can't get this product in Ireland without a prescription, and you won't get one unless you have been diagnosed with diabetes. Metf can also have some pretty nasty side effects.

Fortunately, there is an alternative which is looking just as effective: Berberine. David mentions it in one of his podcasts. However, there are different varieties of Berberine on the market, and its important to use the correct one.

In his book, David says he also takes vitamin D and vitamin K. In a podcast, he mentions TMG which can replace essential elements used to metabolise nicotinamide NAD+ supplements.

You will find cheaper versions of these supplements online, but beware since many supplements don't work. Even worse is false advertising where suppliers make claims they know to be untrue.

Did you know that Resveratrol needs to be taken with oily foods, like full fat yogurt of olive oil? Some online stores sell capsules that can't possibly work.

Our goal is to change all that, and supply only top quality products that will make a difference.